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Embracing the Future of Work: Why traditional HRMS & HRIS Solutions fall short

The future of work is upon us, and with it comes a shift in the way we operate within the workplace. As organizations embrace digital transformation and adapt to the dynamic demands of a rapidly evolving business landscape, the traditional Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) &Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) are struggling to keep the pace. Limitations and design principles of traditional and typical HRMS & HRIS software and solutions, are more visible than ever and showcase why these solutions are not equipped to support the future of work.

Traditional HRMS & HRIS solutions have inherent limitations coming from their design principles and become insufficient to support Organizational evolutions or transformations relevant to today's challenges or strategies that organizations decide to manage.

In this analysis, we delve into these limitations of traditional HRMS & HRIS solutions, highlighting why they are not equipped to support the future of work and how PeopleHub can support your organization into that.

  • HRMS & HRIS solutions have been designed with focus on HR Operations
    Typical HRMS and HRIS have been primarily designed to support HR operations, focusing on administrative tasks and employee data management. This approach falls short in addressing the broader organizational dynamic changes required in today's organizations context (internal / external). These systems primarily collect and maintain static employee data, which offer limited value for ongoing business decisions and hinder strategic workforce planning. That's a fundamental reason with HR Analytics provide limited value for organizational planning.

    In stark contrast, future of work solutions, like PeopleHub from Xelense, take a people-oriented approach at their core. PeopleHub goes beyond merely collecting employee data and focus on understanding the broader context of individuals working with and for the organization (not just technically speaking employees). The data handled by such solution are dynamic, up-to-date, and directly aligned with business goals, making them essential for effective decision-making related to organizational strategy and operations. With PeopleHub's emphasis on employee experience, performance, talent management, and advanced analytics, organizations can leverage real-time insights and foster a future-ready workforce that thrives in the dynamic world of work.

  • Siloed Data and Limited Integration
    Traditional HRMS & HRIS solutions often operate as standalone systems, leading to data silos that hinder seamless collaboration and information flow across the organization. In the future-of-work paradigm, a cohesive and interconnected approach is crucial, where employee data from various sources can be combined to generate valuable insights for decision-making.

    PeopleHub from Xelense addresses this challenge by providing a unified platform that integrates HR people data and processes, enabling a comprehensive view of the workforce and facilitating data-driven decision-making.

  • Limited Flexibility & Scalability
    In an era where agility is one of the most important requirements, traditional HRMS & HRIS solutions struggle to accommodate the dynamic needs of modern businesses. The ability to scale and adapt with the organization's growth and shape (i.e. when often and rapid Merges & Acquisitions) becomes essential. Considering the monolithic approach of development and deployment of such require long-running initiatives to adapt that cost in time and in monetization.

    PeopleHub is offered as a cloud-based - ready to be applied - scalable solution that can adapt to changing business requirements, ensuring organizations remain agile and future-ready

  • Organization & Individuals Performance Management
    Traditional HRMS and HRIS solutions often lack the comprehensive capabilities required for effective (and efficient) performance management. These systems may provide basic functionality on capturing employee performance , but they fall short in capturing the specifics of organization & employee people performance and the relevant specifics (i.e. context).

    As organizations embrace a performance-driven culture in the future of work, the need for robust performance management solutions becomes critical. PeopleHub offers advanced performance management features, including continuous feedback mechanisms, goal alignment, skill development tracking, and performance analytics, enabling organizations to foster a high-performing workforce and drive organizational success.

  • Inefficiencies in Talent Development & Management
    Talent development and management have become increasingly complex and on the same time very important. In most cases of today's organization this supposed to be part of Organization's culture. Traditional HRMS & HRIS solutions lack the functionality to support talent development and usually offer a basic feature of capturing some learning and development activities (seminars attendance etc.).

    PeopleHub empowers HR professionals and Organization leaders with a robust talent management features, including AI-driven functionality, enabling organizations to retain, and develop the best talent for the organization's success. Moreover, it adds a baseline for how personal growth is enabled and encouraged within the organization which makes cultural evolution more feasible.

  • Limited Focus on People Experience
    Future-of-work paradigm revolves around placing employees people at the center of the organizational strategy. People experience has emerged as a critical driver of engagement, productivity, and retention. However, traditional HRMS & HRIS solutions prioritize administrative tasks over people-centric experiences, leaving a disconnect between the workforce's expectations and the available tools.

    PeopleHub is designed with a strong focus on people experience, with equal focus on three personas: HR Professionals, Leaders/Managers and Individuals equipping them with appropriate functionality that empower them to support Organization's performance and cultural evolution.

In the era of the future of work, organizations need to move beyond the limitations of traditional HRMS & HRIS solutions. Embracing modern solutions like PeopleHub from Xelense, that prioritize integration, flexibility, employee experience, talent management, performance management - in an intuitive & easy to work-with way - is crucial to stay competitive and future-proof. By adopting such forward-thinking solutions, organizations can navigate the evolving business landscape and empower their people to thrive in this dynamic environment.